And what can't modern men think of to show themselves as a real macho in bed with a girl? They study the Kama Sutra, perform special exercises that allow them to improve their physical form, and, of course, strive in every way to increase the size of their dignity. One of the most extraordinary enlargement methods is soda penis enlargement. We will talk about it in this article.
There is nothing wrong with changing your body size, all men dream of that. Another question is whether it is possible to enlarge the penis with soda and, in principle, is it a safe method? To understand this, consider how to increase the penis with soda in stages.
Instructions - how to enlarge your penis with soda
If you believe the internet sources, after using baking soda, you will become a sexual giant. And to enlarge your penis with baking soda, you only need to do two simple steps, not to mention the low costs, because everyone can buy it.
The principle of action of sodium bicarbonate
How do supporters of this method justify their innocence? According to some men, baking soda helps thin the blood. And they believe that this is what allows blood to fill the shaft of the penis as much as possible.
It is worth noting that the use of soda for penis enlargement is recommended only in conjunction with manual exercises. Apparently only physical action helps to increase the "swollen" blood cells.
But that's how it is? Is such "therapy" worth torturing yourself?
But actually, is it possible to enlarge the penis with the help of soda?
Still, how do you enlarge your penis with baking soda? There can only be one answer, no way! This is ineffective and unsafe! Soda does not contain elements that stimulate cell division or enlargement. There will be no effect from such a procedure.
Perhaps, for a short period of time, the male genital organ increases slightly in size (we did not find any real confirmation of this information). But the result will be so insignificant and short-term that it is not worth the health problems that can arise after soda baths.
It is better not to try to use soda for such purposes, because as a result of such an unconventional treatment, instead of a huge and long penis, from which the girls will go into ecstasy, you risk a real burn of the delicate tissues. of virility, after which you will have to undergo a long and rather expensive treatment. . .
Negative effect on the body.
First of all, it is worth noting that, like any other substance, baking soda has its pros and cons, and therefore it can positively affect the body and cause irreparable harm to it.
Baking soda has antimicrobial properties and can effectively rid the human body of parasites and various microbes. Cough, runny nose, hypertension, swelling of the legs, yellow teeth - this is just a small list of health problems that can be solved with moderate, we emphasize, moderate use of this powder.
It is definitely not worth swallowing in packets, because this way you will simply harm your body. Not in vain is sodium bicarbonate included in all cleaning products, since it is a caustic substance, and therefore, when it comes into contact with the skin, irritates it. And in some cases, the skin begins to crack and become inflamed.
Another disadvantage is the high probability of allergy to baking soda.
It is also not worth using soda solutions inside, because this can lead to burns and the development of ulcers!
Penis enlargement with soda is impossible. Soda can be a really great remedy in many situations, but don't try to make your penis bigger. This is a waste of time and effort. In addition, health problems can arise.
Fortunately, today you can always buy many other effective means that will help you achieve a persistent erection and significantly enlarge your penis, as well as always be ready for prolonged sexual intercourse.
I think you have found the answer to the question "How to increase your penis with baking soda? " And we hope this article saves you from using baking soda.